Reforestation stages
Human factor has a crucial role during the whole process of deforestation, since the initial study of the area selected to be reforested, the aerial photography of the scenery via drones, the digitalization and the configuration of the scenery’s terrain, until the supervision of the reforestation and the feedback of the planting machines. Specialized partners such as engineers, agriculturists, developers and operators of digital systems contribute to the perfect implementation of the digital reforestation.
Scenery mapping
Specialized team plans with use of specific software on the digital model (landscape file), the installation of the saplings or the bushes.
Underground analysis
Team of Green’s Gaia foresters and agriculturists map and analyze the underground in order to detect any possible problems, find against its appropriateness and select the suitable species of seeds which will bring the forest to its restoration. (early shape)
Digital archive loading
The ultimate digital archive of planting (landscape file) is uploaded on the reforestation machine servers, modifying it into real forest.
Industrialized reforestation
When the digital archive is fully uploaded on our system, everything is ready to start the process.
Technical advantages
Watering and Fertilizer
To achieve saplings’ longevity, during the process both watering and fertilizer is added simultaneously.
Endurance & rapid growth
Ideal conditions due to proper implementation transfuse greater endurance and quick growth to the saplings.
Reforestation depiction
The ultimate digital archive of planting (landscape file )is uploaded on the reforestation machine servers, modifying it into real forest.
All grounds, all weather conditions
The reforestation feed is continual and is not influenced by the morphology of the ground or the weather conditions.
Robot forefront technology
Reforestation is realized with the assistance of robot systems and GRS systems.
Complete forest restoration
The forest is reconstructed, based on its early shape – before being damaged.